What Year Was Aces High (1976) Film Released

1. Aces High - STUDIOCANAL's Vintage Classics

  • Short Film About the 1976 Premiere; Original Trailer; English SDH. Gallery. All ... Aces High – The Telegraph's Best Battle of Britain movie · Aces High · Go ...

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2. Aces High | Rotten Tomatoes

  • This 1976 WWI movie about a Royal Flying Corps squadron has a solid cast, but leaves you wishing for a better film as we get a wobbly scene structure ...

  • Maj. Gresham (Malcolm McDowell) is a flying ace who oversees a group of English pilots during World War I. His latest recruit is Lt. Croft (Peter Firth), who happens to have been only a few years behind Gresham at Eton. Croft idolizes Gresham at first, but the image of his hero is tarnished when he learns of Gresham's private habits, especially his predilection for alcohol. It's only after Croft himself has endured the crucible of war that he comes to fully appreciate his commanding officer.

Aces High | Rotten Tomatoes

3. Aces High (1976) Technical Specifications - ShotOnWhat?

Aces High (1976) Technical Specifications - ShotOnWhat?

4. Aces High - cinema - VPRO Gids

  • Bevat niet: released | Resultaten tonen met:released

  • Een sterke anti-oorlogfilm, die tijdens WO I (1914-18) speelt. Het verhaal concentreert zich op de indoctrinatie van een piloot (Firth) en zijn gedesillusioneerde squadroncommandant (McDowell). De degelijke Britse gastrollen van Gielgud, Milland, Howard en Johnson alsmede de opwindende luchtgevechten vormen de hoogtepunten van deze nieuwe versie JOURNEY'S END van R.C. Sherriff.

Aces High - cinema - VPRO Gids

5. Aces High (1976) directed by Jack Gold • Reviews, film + cast

  • "Aces High" is a 1976 war film directed by Jack Gold. The film takes a look into the aspects of aerial combat within the midst of WWI, more specifically the ...

  • The first World War is in its third year and aerial combat above the Western Front is consuming the nation's favored children at an appalling rate. By early 1917, the average life-span of a British pilot is less than a fortnight. Such losses place a fearsome strain on Gresham, commanding officer of the squadron. Aces High recreates the early days of the Royal Flying Corps with some magnificently staged aerial battles, and sensitive direction presents a moving portrayal of the futilities of war.

Aces High (1976) directed by Jack Gold • Reviews, film + cast

6. Aces High (Jack Gold, 1976) - Offscreen

  • 4 mei 2020 · Doug Buck reviews the World War 1 fighter squadron film Aces High (Jack Gold, 1976).

  • Doug Buck reviews the World War 1 fighter squadron film Aces High (Jack Gold, 1976).

Aces High (Jack Gold, 1976) - Offscreen

7. Aces High (1976) | Great War Films

  • 18 sep 2014 · The premise of the film is 7 days in the life of the squadron. Each day acts as a chapter in a book that unfolds before us.

  • If there is one sub-genre of these Great War Films that is pretty much guaranteed to pack a punch it’s those that concern the conflict in the air. At least in theory it has everything that should e…

Aces High (1976) | Great War Films

8. Aces High (Movie, 1976) - MovieMeter.com

  • Aces High (1976) · Genre: War / Drama · Duration: 114 minuten · Country: United Kingdom · Directed by: Jack Gold · Stars: Malcolm McDowell, Christopher Plummer and ...

  • War / Drama movie directed by Jack Gold. With Malcolm McDowell, Christopher Plummer and Peter Firth.

Aces High (Movie, 1976) - MovieMeter.com

9. Aces High - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games

  • Mills bomb ; Journey's End (1930) ; The Other Side (1931) ; Aces High (1976) ; Journey's End (2018).

10. Aces High (1976) - BFI

  • Aces High (1976) · Articles related to Aces High · Commercial and licensing · Join and support · About the BFI · Watch film · British Film Institute · Supported by.

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What Year Was Aces High (1976) Film Released
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.